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Saturday, August 30, 2008
Words Aug 30th
There was ambivalence regarding who will get recruited in the dream company
Cantankerous - bad tempered; quarrelsome
The violence oriented video games are making the young generation cantankerous
Derogatory - uncomplimentary
The Indian team received a derogatory reception after it failed to qualify for the semi-finals
Exemplify - to serve as a good example
The Ajanta-Ellora caves exemplify the artistic excellence of our predecessors
Impecunious - having no money
When on a tour a credit card saves us from an impecunious situation
Lucid - clear
Dinesh intentions became lucid when he denied to work
Omate - highly decorated
The Bindra's house was omate on the home coming of the national hero Abhinav Bindra
Precipice - steep slope
The car was doing fine until it encountered a precipice
Salubrious - health-giving
A decent market awaits salubrious fast-food
Truant - shirker; someone absent without permission
India's growth rate would double but for truant employees in the govt. sector
Friday, August 29, 2008
Words Aug 20-28
Candor - frankness; openness
Deride - ridicule;make fun of; mock
Exemplary - Outstandingly good; setting a fine example
Impartial - unbiased; neutral
Loquacious - talkative
Ordain - 1. destine; 2. confer holy orders on a priest
Precinct - district of a city
Sallow - yellowish
Trivial - unimportant
Ambiguity - uncertainty; vagueness
Candid - frank; honest
Deprecate - criticize; denounce
Exegesis - scholarly explanation or interpretation
Immutable - unchanging; permanent
Longevity - long life
Opulent - wealthy;rich;magnificent
Precept - guiding principle
Salacious - lecherous; erotic
Trite - unoriginal;dull
Amass - accumulate
Callow - immature
Depravity - moral corruption
Execrable - very, very bad
Immoderate - excessive; extreme
Lofty - snooty; arrogant; haughty
Opaque - does not let light through
Precedent - a previous occurrence used as a guide
Sage - a wise person
Trinket - something of little value; knick-knack
Altruism - putting others first; being self-sacrificing
Caldron - huge cooking pot
Deplore - regret
Exulpate - free someone from blame; pardon; acquit
Illusory - deceptive; false; misleading
Lobbyist - person who tries to persuade someone to support a particular cause
Onus - burden
Precarious - unstable; risky
Sagacious - wise
Trepidation - fear
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Words 16th Aug - 19 Aug
Keeping a servant allayed most of my mothers load
Byline - the line that tells you who wrote an article
It was the byline that gave away his identity
Demur - hesitate; refuse
We should never demur to seek an opportunity
Exacerbate - make worse
Heavy rains have only exacerbated the road conditions
Ignominious - shameful
Bilking is an ignominious thing to do
Liniment - soothing lotion
It was not until he applied a liniment did his toes stop itching
Omnipotent - all-powerful
Its not always that an omnipotent will win the election
Pragmatic - practical
The problem had many solutions but only Rajesh's solution was pragmatic
Ruse - trick; stratagem
The joker won many hearts by his clever ruses
Transgress - go astray; disobey; commit a sin
Many times when children are given freedom to take their own decisions they tend to transgress
Alleviate - make less severe
Its time to alleviate the effects of green house gases
Cacophony - make loud noises
The campers were terrified hearing cacophony
Denounce - condemn; speak out against
People always denounce the leader but never do a thing to improve the situation
Exasperated - frustrated; annoyed
The Indian team which was exasperated after the loss in the first test wore a completely different body language in the second test
Ignominy - shame
Lithe - flexible; supple
It was his lithe that helped him get through the interview
Omniscient - all-knowing
To become an omniscient one needs to do a lot of hard-work
Pragmatist - practical person; one who is concerned with usefulness
In true sense Manmohan Singh is a pragmatist
Aloof - distant; detached; cold
It's difficult to stay aloof from relatives with advent of internet
Cajole - coax
The sales man sold around five of his products just by cajoling
Deplete - use up; lessen
The environment is depleting with every passing year
Exceptionable - very bad (something which we should object to )
The new laws that have been made by the department are exceptionable
Illuminate - to light up or make clear
The house was illuminated by scores of different lights
Livid - very angry
Suresh was quiet livid with Ramesh since he has returned from trip
Onerous - burdensome; hard to undertake
Kapil has completed the onerous job well in time
Preamble - introductory material
The preamble contained the gist of the book
Sacrosanct - very holy; inviolable
The idol he bought from Haridwar is sacrosanct for him.
Traverse - to move across
It became really hard to traverse a single step after traversing miles on foot
Friday, August 15, 2008
Words 15th August
Buttress - strengthen; support
Delineation - demarcation; explanation; definition; outlining
Evacuate - vacate; empty; abandon
Idiosyncrasy - a personal peculiarity; something unique to an individual
Libertarian - someone who opposes tyranny
Ominous - threatening
Potent - powerful; compelling; strong
Ruminate - think over something; ponder
Transcribe - copy
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Words 11th August
The new batch of students had a certain amount of alacrity.
Burgeon - grow; flourish; put forth new shoots
If due care is not taken of the kitchen garden weeds start burgeoning rapidly
Deleterious - harmful
It's certainly deleterious for us to be in a company of a person who is smoking
Euphemism - a polite phrase to cover something unpleasant
Dinesh was quick with euphemism as soon as he realized that his statement had not been received in right spirit
Hypocritical - insincere
Low grades are a result of being hypocritical in lectures
Lethargic - tired; without energy
Long span of summer vacations has made Vinod lethargic
Ogle - stare at; observe in an obvious manner
The students were asked to ogle the building carefully
Postulate - hypothesize; propose
There are many postulates in science
Robust - strong; healthy; tough
The structure to be developed had to be robust as it had to tolerate a load of more than 20,000 vehicles at a time
Tractable - obedient; dutiful; polite
Sundar is tractable boy
No Posts For 9,10 august ...
Friday, August 8, 2008
words 8th august
Bureaucracy - officialdom
Degradation - deprivation; poverty; debasement
Eulogy - praise
Hypochondriac - a person obsessed with health; having imaginary illness
Legion - in large numbers
Officious - domineering; intrusive; meddlesome
Posthumous - after death
Rigor - thoroughness
Totter - walk unsteadily
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Words 6th August
Rita failed to advocate her ideas with proper statistics
Brusque - blunt; abrupt
Sameer's brusque remark annoyed Richa
Defoliate - cause leaves to fall off
Termite attack defoliated the Mango tree
Espouse - promote; take up; support
We need to espouse the campaign against the deadly AIDS
Hone - sharpen; increase; whet
Trisha honed her skills in C over the weekend to top the monthly exam
Lax - careless; not strict
Some rules were laxed citing low attendance in the NSS camps
Obviate - avoid; make unnecessary
We shouldn't obviate our family traditions under peer pressure
Poseur - someone who puts on an act
Ramesh is a good poseur
Riddled - full of (usually full of holes)
Its really difficult to drive on riddled Indian roads.
Torpid - inactive; lazy ; stagnant
Torpid members will be disqualified
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Monday, August 4, 2008
Words 4th August
Bristle - to show irritation
Decoy - lure; trap; trick
Erratic - wandering; irregular
Histrionic - theatrical; exaggerated
Laud - praise
Obstreperous - noisy and boisterous
Portend - foretell
Retraction - withdrawal; cancellation of a statement
Titter - giggle quietly
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Words 3rd August
Brevity - being brief
Decorum - dignified, correct behavior [decorous (a)]
Err - make a mistake
Largess - generosity
Obsolete - no longer valid
Pontificate - speak pompously or dogmatically
Reticent - restrained; holding something back;uncommunicative
Tirade - stream of verbal abuse
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Revision - The whole list till now
- Abhor - hate
- Bigot - narrow - minded; prejudiced person
- Counterfeit - fake; false
- Enfranchise - giving voting rights
- Hamper - obstruct; hinder
- Kindle - to start a fire
- Noxious - harmful; poisonous; lethal
- Placid - calm; peaceful
- Remuneration - payment for work done
- Talisman - lucky charm
- Abrasive - rough; coarse; harsh
- Bilk - cheat; defraud
- Covert - hidden; undercover
- Engender - cause
- Hangar- storage area (like garage) for a plane
- Knotty - complex; difficult to solve
- Nuance - something subtle; a fine shade of meaning
- Plagiarism - taking credit for someone else's writing or ideas
- Renown - fame
- Tangent - going off the main subject
- Abasement - humiliation; degradation
- Billowing - swelling; fluttering; waving
- Cower - recoil in fear or servility; shrink away from
- Enhance - improve;make better or clear
- Harangue - a noisy attacking speech
- Labyrinth - a maze
- Nullify - to counter; make unimportant
- Plaintiff - petitioner ( in court of law )
- Replete - full
- Tangible - can be touched
- Abrogate - cancel; deny; repeal
- Blasphemy - speech which offends religious sentiments
- Credible - believable
- Enigma - mystery
- Harbingers - bringers of warnings; indicators
- Labyrinthine - complicated; highly convoluted
- Nuzzle - cuddle; snuggle
- Plaudit - statement giving strong praise
- Reprehensible - shameful; very bad
- Tardy - slow; late; overdue; delayed
- absolution - forgiveness; pardon; release
- Blatant - obvious
- Creditable - praiseworthy
- Ensconce - establish firmly in a position
- Laceration - a cut
- Obdurate - stubborn
- Plausible - can be believed; reasonable
- Reprieve - a respite; postponement of a sentence
- Tawdry - of little value
- Abstain - desist; go without; withdraw
- Blighted - damaged; destroyed; ruined
- Credulous - gullible; ready to believe anything
- Enshroud - cover
- Haughtiness - arrogance; pride
- Lachrymose - tearful; sad
- Obfuscate - deliberately make something difficult to understand
- Plethora - an excess
- Repudiate - shun; eschew
- Tedium - boredom
- Abstemious - self denying; refraining from indulging
- Blithe - free-spirited; carefree
- Crepuscular - active at dawn and dusk
- Enunciation - clear pronunciation; accent; articulation
- Headstrong - stubborn; willful
- Lackluster - dull; monotonous; bland
- Objective - unbiased; not subjective
- Pliable - flexible; not stubborn
- Rescind - retract; repeal
- Temper - to moderate; soften
- Abstruse - difficult to understand; obscure
words 2nd august
The officer was adamant to penalize the guilty
Brawny - muscular
The stints at the gym resulted in a brawny body for him
Decathlon - an athletic competition with ten events
My friend won 6 Gold medals at the decathlon
Equivocate - speak ambiguously; avoid telling the truth
Advocates master to equivocate to save their guilty plaintiff
Hieroglyphics - 1. picture writing; 2. writing which is difficult to read or enigmatic
Rajesh fails because of hieroglyphics
Larceny - theft; robbery; stealing
Chander has many larceny reports registered against him
Obsession - a dominating concern
Deepak has developed obsession with his new car
Ponderous - weighty;slow and heavy
Bulldozer is a ponderous vehicle
Retention - preservation; withholding
Raju has a very powerful retention
Timorous - cowardly; fearful
Timorous people can never enjoy their lives to the fullest
For those who couldnt find me
Pls check ur mail boxes regularly, in case you dont get the frnd request in at most 2 days comment again ....
Friday, August 1, 2008
Words 1st August
Rajendra saved many lives because of his acuity
Braggart - someone who boasts
Ramesh is nothing but a braggart
Debunking - exposing false claims or myths
It's really difficult to debunk as there is a lot of opposition from people
Epitomized - typified; characterized; personified
Sehwag has epitomized Tendulkar
Hidebound - rigid in opinions
Our HOD is hidebound, hence it's no use convincing him
Languish - decay; fade away; get weaker
After a month when I returned back home many beautiful plants had languished due to lack of care
Obsequious - servile; submissive
Sometimes the situation demands us to be obsequious
Polemical - causing debate or argument
Political remarks shouldn't be polemical
Restorative - a tonic
Amit is taking restorative to gain health
Thwart - prevent; frustrate
There is a need to develop a system to thwart repeated power failures
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Words on 31st july...
Acrophobia – fear of heights
Deepak has been diagnosed with acrophobia
Bourgeois – middle class
Bourgeois is growing at a decent pace all over the world
Debility – weakness; incapacity
Rudra still doesn’t accept his debility
Epistolary – concerned with letters; through correspondence
Though Dhirubhai didn’t talked to his parents over phone but he maintained a decent communication through epistolary
Hiatus – interruption; pause
The lecturer got irritated whenever there was a hiatus
Languid – tired; slow
Sameer was too languid that he slept on the sofa
Obscured – hidden; covered; buried
Lalita was surprised to find an obscured treasure in her kitchen garden.
Poised – calm; collected; self-possessed
Taurians are generally poised and placid by nature
Resplendent – shining; glowing
Her resplendent face conveyed how happy she was to get the job
Therapeutic – medicinal; curative
The tulsi herb has many therapeutic values
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Words on 29th july
Boorish - ill-mannered
Cynical - believing that people act only out of selfish motives
Epistle - a letter (form of communication)
Heresy - against orthodox opinion
Lance - spear; spike; javelin
Obscure - difficult to understand; partially hidden
Poignant - deeply moving; strongly affecting the emotions
Respite - a break; intermission
Terse - concise; to the point
Monday, July 28, 2008
Ramesh finally acquiesced with the decision to go for picnic
Bombast - arrogant, pompous language
By using bombast we show our own shortcomings
Curtail - cut short
The program was curtailed due to heavy rain
Epicure - someone who appreciates good food and drink
Everyone likes to call an epicure to a party
Heed - listen to
Sita didn't pay heed to Laxman's advice and hence sufered
Lampoon - ridicule; spoof
Meet the Spartians is a lampoon of 300
Oblivious - totally unaware
Shena was oblivious about the wrong doings of his brother
Podium - raised platform
As there was no podium in the school, plays etc had to be performed as a street plays
Resonant - echoing
The encouraging words from the principal are still resonant in my ears
Tenuous - flimsy; not solid
We were given a tenuous thing to drink after lunch
Sunday, July 27, 2008
For those who can't find me
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feel free to send frnd requests....
Today's words
The party was thrown to accolade the out-going Boss
Bolster - support; prop up
Rajeev enjoys full bolster of his friends
Cryptic - puzzling
The problem has a very cryptic solution
Ephemeral - short-lived
The effect of scolding is ephemeral on that naughty brat
Hedonist - a pleasure seeker
Rupinder is a hedonist
Lamentation - expression of regret or sorrow
One shouldn't lament having lost an opportunity instead start looking for another one
Obliterate - destroy; demolish; eradicate
The attempts made to obliterate our culture have proved to be futile
Plummet - fall suddenly and steeply
Plummet was the cause of his death
Resolution - determination
New year resolutions are seldom completed
Tentative - not certain
Yuganshu was tentative while answering his interview questions
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Today's Word list
Abstruse - difficult to understand; obscure
Blunderbuss - 1. ancient weapon (type of gun); 2. a clumsy person
Cringe - recoil; flinch; shy away
Envenom - to cause bitterness and bad feeling
Hedonism - self indulgence; pleasure-seeking
Laconic - using few words; brief; to the point
Oblique - indirect; slanting
Plumage - feathers of a bird
Resignation - acceptance of fate
Tenacious - stubborn; resolute; holding firm to a purpose
Friday, July 25, 2008
Today's Word List
When Dishant got into a police case his friend was abstemious in helping him out
Blithe - free-spirited; carefree
Atul is a blithe person
Crepuscular - active at dawn and dusk
The sensors required for the automation of street lights require to be crepuscular
Enunciation - clear pronunciation; accent; articulation
For enunciation Raju has joined a English speaking course
Headstrong - stubborn; willful
To complete difficult tasks one needs to be headstrong
Lackluster - dull; monotonous; bland
Last year's freshers' party was a lackluster
Objective - unbiased; not subjective
The judging panel needs to have an objective outlook
Pliable - flexible; not stubborn
The competition had pliable rules, hence received criticism
Rescind - retract; repeal
There was no need to rescind the new rule
Temper - to moderate; soften
Ball tempering is a serious offense
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Meet The Personalities from NL
The height of conceit - An egotist
Let me help You - An altruist
Leave me alone - An introvert
Let's do it together - An extrovert
Neither extreme - An Ambivert
People are no damn good - A misanthrope
Women are no damn good - A misogynist
Don't want to marry - A misogamist
That the flesh is heir to - an Ascetic
Todays Word List
The atmosphere in Gangu's house was lachrymose due to death of his grandfather
Obfuscate (verb) - deliberately make something difficult to understand
Since Ramesh didn't know anything in the viva he tried to obfuscate the teacher
Plethora (noun) - an excess
Due to plethora of cricket both the audience and cricketers are feeling tedium
Repudiate (verb) - shun; eschew; disown
Ram in fear of being caught by the income tax officers repudiated his brand new ferrari
Tedium (noun) - boredom
Due to plethora of cricket both the audience and cricketers are feeling tedium
- Abhor - hate
- Bigot - narrow-minded, prejudiced person
- Counterfeit - fake; false
- Enfranchise - give voting rights
- Hamper - hinder; obstruct
- Kindle - to start a fire
- Noxious - harmful; poisonous; lethal
- Placid - calm; peaceful
- Remuneration - payment for work done
- Abrasive - rough; coarse; harsh
- Bilk - cheat; defraud
- Covert - hidden; undercover
- Engender - cause
- Hangar - storage area ( like garage) for planes
- Knotty - complex; difficult to solve
- Plagiarism - taking credit for someone else's writing or ideas
- Renown - fame
- Tangent - going off the main subject
- Abasement - humiliation; degradation
- Plaintiff - petitioner ( in court of law)
- Replete - full
- Tangible - can be touched
- Abrogate - cancel; deny; repeal
- Blasphemy - speech that offends religious sentiments
- Credible - believable
- Enigma - puzzle; mystery
- Reprehensible - shameful
- Tardy - slow; late; overdue; delayed
- Absolution - forgiveness; pardon; release
- Blatant - obvious
- Creditable - praiseworthy
- Ensconce - establish firmly in a position
- Laceration - a cut
- Obdurate - stubborn
- Plausible - believed; reasonable
- Reprieve - a respite;postponement of a sentence
- Tawdry - of little value; gaudy
- Abstain - desist; go without ; withdraw
- Blighted - damaged;destroyed; ruined
- Credulous - gullible;ready to believe anything
- Enshroud - cover
- Haughtiness - arrogance; pride
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Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The Missing Sentences...
Labyrinth - After Raghav left his parents, life has become a labyrinth for him.
Harbingers - Animals are an expert at reading the harbingers
Plaudit - It was a surprise for Sudha when her boss gave a plaudit for her in front of everyone
Blighted - When Shantosh returned from America he found his house in a blighted state
Credulous - These days everyone takes advantage of a credulous person
Enshroud - The rain got so heavy that the pitch had to be enshroud with double covers
Haughtiness - Ravi lost his post because of his haughtiness
Todays words....
Blighted (verb) - damaged; destroyed; ruined
Credulous (adjective) - gullible; ready to believe anything
Enshroud (verb)- cover
Haughtiness (noun) - arrogance; pride
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Most probably it will be the first profile ...
hope it was helpful
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Since he didn't cared about laceration he has got infection
Obdurate - stubborn
Obdurate people are very difficult to handle
Plausible - can be believed; reasonable
Only Rajesh was able to give a plausible solution of the labyrinth
Reprieve - a respite; postponement of a sentence
In today's competitive world one cannot take a reprieve from work
Tawdry - of little value; gaudy
Misers take care of even tawdry things
Reprehensible (adjective)-shameful; very bad
Reprehensible deeds must be avoided at any cost
Tardy (adjective) -slow; late; overdue; delayed
Ramesh always suffers because of his tardiness(noun).
Absolution (noun) - forgiveness; pardon; release
There were not enough evidence to convict Dr. Talwar hence he was given absolution
Blatant (adjective)-obvious
The political leader was speaking a blatant lie
Creditable (adjective)-praiseworthy
The work done by Raju in the project is creditable
Ensconce (verb)-establish firmly in a position
The audience was asked to ensconce itself before PM arrived
Monday, July 21, 2008
Some more words for today...
Labyrinth (noun) - a maze (adjective labyrinthine)
Harbingers (noun) - indicators; bringers of warnings
Nuzzle (verb – ling) - cuddle; snuggle
Plaudit (noun) usually in plural - statement giving strong praise
Todays words..
Kapilesh is an experienced plaintiff, having experience of over 100 cases
Replete - full
Life is replete with mysteries
Tangible - can be touched
In today's world tangible assets are more important than non-tangible ones
Abrogate - cancel; deny; repeal
Due to thunderstorm school tracking trip was abrogated
Blasphemy - speech which offends religious sentiments
A blasphemy can kindle a riot
Credible - believable
The stories told by Ram were quite credible
Enigma - puzzle; mystery
It's an enigma how babies can recognise their parents
Sunday, July 20, 2008
An Important note...
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U can subscribe to both these services no hassles ....
Norman Lewis on the MOVE
A book known to improve our VOCAB 100%
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Because of "Copyrights" the exercise appearing on ur mobile or on this blog won't be exactly the same ....
it will have a few words here and there without losing the impact the book has on
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while u get only selected tough ones on ur mobile u can solve nearly the whole exercise here on the blog...
SO hurry up People coz time is short and there's a lot to Learn...
Knotty - complex; difficult to solve
Scientists always feel relaxed after solving a knotty problem
Plagiarism-taking credit for someone else's writing or ideas
Plagiarism has become a common thing in corporate world
Bill Gates is a renowned figure world over
Tangent-going off the main subject
Ramesh's timely tangent remark cooled off the heated discussion
Abasement-humiliation; degradation
If you have committed a blinder be ready for abasement
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Abrasive - rough; coarse; harsh
The behavior of Ravi is quiet abrasive towards his neighbors.
Bilk - cheat;defraud
Raman's business partner bilked him and took over all his property
Covert - hidden; undercover
It's not covert that most policemen are corrupt
Engender - cause
Complacency was the engender behind the defeat of Indians in the Asia Cup Final
Hangar - storage area (like garage) for planes
The hangar is filling up with the old worn out MIG-27's
Friday, July 18, 2008
Make sentences ....
ABHOR - liitle children abhor going to school
BIGOT - there is little space for BIGOTS these days
COUNTERFEIT - internet has helped in establishing identities that are counterfeit
ENFRANCHISE - An Indian citizen is enfranchised only after he turns 18.
HAMPER - Distractions are the only obstacles that hamper our growth
KINDLE - the comment of my friend kindled the long forgotten fight
NOXIOUS - bad habits are not only noxious for the developer but also to those related to him
PLACID - Taurians are generally placid by nature
REMUNERATION - every laborer has the right to remuneration
Its just the begining ....
here too ...
we will first learn easier words and then proceed to difficult ones on a daily basis....
Bigot - narrow-minded, prejudiced person
Counterfeit - fake; false
Enfranchise - give voting rights
Hamper - hinder; obstruct
Kindle - to start a fire
Noxious - harmful; poisonous; lethal
Placid - calm; peaceful
Remuneration - payment for work done
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its tht simple ...
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