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Friday, August 29, 2008

Words Aug 20-28

Ambiguous - unclear in meaning; can be interpreted in different ways

Candor - frankness; openness

Deride - ridicule;make fun of; mock

Exemplary - Outstandingly good; setting a fine example

Impartial - unbiased; neutral

Loquacious - talkative

Ordain - 1. destine; 2. confer holy orders on a priest

Precinct - district of a city

Sallow - yellowish

Trivial - unimportant

Ambiguity - uncertainty; vagueness

Candid - frank; honest

Deprecate - criticize; denounce

Exegesis - scholarly explanation or interpretation

Immutable - unchanging; permanent

Longevity - long life

Opulent - wealthy;rich;magnificent

Precept - guiding principle

Salacious - lecherous; erotic

Trite - unoriginal;dull

Amass - accumulate

Callow - immature

Depravity - moral corruption

Execrable - very, very bad

Immoderate - excessive; extreme

Lofty - snooty; arrogant; haughty

Opaque - does not let light through

Precedent - a previous occurrence used as a guide

Sage - a wise person

Trinket - something of little value; knick-knack

Altruism - putting others first; being self-sacrificing

Caldron - huge cooking pot

Deplore - regret

Exulpate - free someone from blame; pardon; acquit

Illusory - deceptive; false; misleading

Lobbyist - person who tries to persuade someone to support a particular cause

Onus - burden

Precarious - unstable; risky

Sagacious - wise

Trepidation - fear

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